Selling L2 Exilium Wind Rider lvl 85 Full

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Merlin, 3/14/15.

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  1. Merlin

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    WTS WIND RIDER lvl 85, with most skills enchanted +20 more or less. Dyes, and subclass certifications done.
    Weapons: Butcher blades +16 / Archangel Sword +20 / Sacredium +16
    Armor: Vorpal Lether Set +20 full attri + Elegia chest +20 full attri
    Jewels: Antharas +16 / B.Zaken +16 / B.Freya +16 / Queen +16 / Baium +16
    Other: Strippe Mithril Shirt +20 / PVP Def Belt +16 / 11 GCM / 5 AAEC
    ALL Boss quest completed. Already memeber of one of the biggest clas in one of the biggest alliances (Guardians / HighScore)
    7B Adena / 1m AA

    This whole pack would cost about 360 dolars to buy by Donations or years of grinding. I will sell it for less of course, and I listen offers by reply or PM.
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