Hello and welcome to my cheap Valorant point service! In here you can purchase Valorant points that are way cheaper than buying from the store. All I need is your Riot Username and it works on all Regions! Prices in Euros - 300 VP - 3.00€ 1125 VP - 9.00€ 1650 VP - 11.50€ 1950 VP - 13.70€ 2200 VP - 17.00€ 3400 VP - 23.00€ 7100 VP - 47.00€ 10200 VP - 68€ Prices in USD - 300 VP - $3.70 1125 VP - $11.00 1650 VP - $13.70 1950 VP - $16.50 2200 VP - $20.30 3400 VP - $27.30 7100 VP - $56.50 10200 VP - $78.00 All of this is done legally and safely. There is nothing that is illegal. Middleman may not be an option here since I buy the points with the money that you pay to me. Payment options - PayPal F&F or Bitcoin (PayPal preferred) Note - Bitcoin would take a bit longer and would cost a bit more since I would need to exchange it to PayPal. So it would always be the best if you would exchange the bitcoin to PayPal! Time to deliver - Up to 48hours. Usually should be instant, but never know what could come up. If interested message me on Discord - Kuxs#4425 (08-13-2020, 08:00 AM)