Selling  High End  Kronos, 9K legion , multi-mains , DS main , insane amount of nx , 4 vac pet.

Discussion in 'Maplestory Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by xjeroniimo, 2/26/25 at 3:49 AM.

  1. xjeroniimo

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    Hi , I'm selling my kronos account to quit the game , this game is taking too much time in my life and I'm trying to move on.

    I'm looking for a quicksell just so I stop thinking about it, therefore why the account is cheap for what I spent.

    I have a lot of NX , 5 vacpets too. If you wanna see the NX in details, let me know.
    This account makes 15b weekly income purely by boss mules.

    Demon slayer gear ( Highest level on the account , 2months lib)

    60 % boss and large drop fam , with some healing fams too

    Ho young 260 , solos hlotus , 2 set arcane , 3 perm pet

    Hero has around 330% drop w everything (large drop fam too)

    BUCC SOLOS HLOMIEN , nluwill ngloom and ndarknell really quick-> 3 SET ARCANES 4 SET GOLLUX AND FAIRY HEART TOO , really good arcane force
    Bucc has around 300% drop while breaking

    asking for 125 $

    ss :

    if you are interested in buying you can contact me via Discord : jeronimocha