Sold Kraken acc for sale - 7 T3 comms at R10+ - R13 sunind and 200+ Yellow Mithril

Discussion in 'Lord of the Rings Rise to War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Packer, 3/15/23.

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  1. Packer

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    I am looking to sell my Evil focused NRP account for Lord of the Rings - Rise to War.

    The account has seven T3 commanders at Respect 10 or higher including one of the best Suninds in the game. Over 200 yellow mithril so you can instantly make a Refine 2 Unique.

    This is one of the better accounts in the game and will make you one of the strongest players on any server. If you have serious interest in buying then please make an offer via this site or PM me.

    In this ad I will first showcase my most used commanders in the highligts section below, then show all the commanders respect levels in a commander overview. Finally I will show all yellow items, respect items and other valuables.


    R13 Sunind - Almost fully refine golden gear (Hammer missing one item for last refine). Never lost a single fight with her using my build, fighting some of the stronger groups in the game. I will share my build and strat with her both early and late game that has brought me an undefeated record. The power you get per level after 13 is much lower so I stopped putting respect into her at that level as I think I could get more value in other places. She is good early game for taking lower tiles with low losses (as good as GtG almost), she is good at taking 200+ tiles (as good as WK almost) and the best PvP commander in the game. Very, very fun to play with.

    R16 Wk - The Meta definer, still great, still king. Does get countered by certain commanders in PvP but he is still awesome at pvp and at the early game when getting 200+ tiles becomes the goal. High respect means you'll have the important skills maxed very quickly.

    R15 Sauron - A Beast in PvP, surprisingly good in PvE. Built for evil men but can easily change his comp with the plethora of gear available to you. A prime candidate for where to spend your yellow mithril for his unique weapon.

    R9 Aragorn KoM - He is very strong at higher respect levels thanks to his anti stun/madnes R5 combined with good damage skills. The perfect complement to this accounts evil side and does not bloat your barracks as he only requires one troop type and Does very well with purple gear so wont take too much investment. The best good side T3 commander to mix with an evil side focused account.

    R11 Gandalf the Grey - Best early game commander, almost worth playing NRP just to have him help take tiles in the first few days. Also works well late game either as an anchor or on offense vs certain commanders. I have enough purple respect chests to get him to R12 if you prefer that.


    Evil Side T3:
    I have every invite bar Oglug, seven comms at R10+

    Evil Side T2:
    High Respect Gothmog for good early siege.

    Evil side T1:
    All the decent T1s are at R10+. Khaldoon is R10.

    Good side T3:
    Missing 6 invites (and GtW at 2/3). GtW is now R5 and Isildur is 2 items away from R5.

    Good side T2:
    Not much to see here, basicly just GtG who is at R11 (can get 12 with respect chests in inventory).






    Respect items

    Enough spare respect items to make over 6000 Mathom vouchers.


    Other Valuables
    200+ Yellow Mithril, 39 Purple respect chests, 9 Evil side Yellow respect chests aswell as over 300 mathoms, The adventure tokens (for the new type of chests) are gone as they are converted at the end of the event. Also have aprox 60.000 gems (I buy yellow mithril every day so depending on when we talk theae numbers might be different).
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    WK.jpg Sauron.jpg KoM.jpg GTG.jpg sunind.jpg
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