Sold KoW - 75M Power 200M Kill VIP13 - 30M VIP10 Power Trap - Gmail

Discussion in 'Kiss of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by 1ton, 4/4/22.

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  1. 1ton

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    My Location:
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    Up for Sale... I have a main 75M might account with a bonus 30M might low might garrison trap account. Both accounts have sufficient transfer orders to migrate immediately to where you would like to make a home. The Gmail account also has a 44M alt that is 1.5 transfer orders away from being able to move.

    ---(1) 75M Power Main /w 200M+ Kills -TRANSFER READY(If troops garaged)-
    VIP: 13
    Troops: 2.4M

    Lvl 90 Sims
    Lvl 54 Porter
    Lvl 32 Madison

    Tank March: Natalia(Maxed)/Grace(Maxed)
    Infantry March: Sakura(Maxed)/Angelica(Maxed)
    Tank Destroyer March1: Diana(Maxed)/Jessica(Maxed)
    Tank Destroyer March2: Ling(Maxed)/Lilith(Major General-5*)
    Garrison: Olivia(Maxed)/Sophia(Captain-5*)

    Weapons: (See Pictures for Details) - Carefully Re-Casted to maximize troop type disciplines

    Military: 14
    Non-Military: 2
    Vanity: 3

    Global Bonus: 12

    Note: I purposely did not research T5 Artillery so that I may compete in the speedup events with research speeds-ups and to take 'Utilize Research Speeds' Guild Mobilization quests. Just start the T5 research and cancel once you use the speeds you want.

    ---(1) 30M Power Trap /w 35M+ Kills -TRANSFER READY-
    VIP: 10
    Troops: 1.9M

    ---(1) 43M Power Alt -1.5 Transfer Orders Away- 1 Research away from unlocking T5 Researches.
    Working to be a T5 reinforcer/farm account

    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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