Selling Kongregate VIP9 Canyon Embrace Account!

Discussion in 'Rise of Mythos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by EvoKongRoM, 5/1/15.

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  1. EvoKongRoM

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    Hello Ladies and Gents!

    After restarting this wonderful game the realization i reached last time has come again and that is i just do not have the required time to play this game, i have put my time, effort and a fair chunk of money into it and would like to regain some of the money.

    This sale consists of 2 VIP9 Characters! One on Wild Grasslands and One on Canyon Embrace! im only expecting payment for the Canyon Embrace character as the Wild Grasslands character has very little left on it bar the high VIP rating!

    Rise Of Mythos Account Information:

    Canyon Embrace (European server)
    VIP9 38350/120000

    Silver: 2,716,124
    Crystals: 71,860
    Gold: 91
    Rubies: 73
    Tower Coins: 80
    PvP Medals: 238


    King's Crown (Epic) +11
    King's Armor (Epic) +12
    King's Weapon (Epic) +12
    King's Cloak (Epic) +11

    Ring of Life (Legendary)
    Insignia of Wisdom (Rare)
    Pedant of Pervseverance (Rare)
    Earrings of Bravery (Epic)

    Building levels:
    City Hall lvl 16
    The Seaport lvl 12
    The Alchemy Lab lvl 16
    Blacksmith lvl 16
    City Defense lvl 12

    Race Reputation:
    Human lvl 24
    Undead lvl 24
    Beast lvl 25
    Goblin lvl 22
    Orge lvl 25
    Elf lvl 24
    Halfblood lvl 30
    Outsider lvl 27
    Dragon lvl 17
    Angel lvl 16
    Demon lvl 12

    Class Reputation:
    Warrior lvl 11
    priest lvl 41

    Back Pack:

    Fire Ruby (1)
    Pnik Diamond (10)
    Amethyst (50)
    Runner-Up Pack (Demon) (Opened)
    Purple Dragonsoul
    Blue Dragonsoul
    Green Dragonsoul (3)
    Yellow Dragonsoul (3)
    Orange Dragonsoul (5)
    Red Dragonsoul (5)
    Sealed League Tickets (4)

    King's Cloak (Rare)
    King's Crown (Rare)
    King's Weapon (Rare)
    King's Armor (Rare)
    Earrings of Bravery (Rare)
    Ring of Life (Epic)

    Good Gem (45)
    Rare Gem (8)
    Epic Gem (3)

    Energy Fragment (9999)
    Soul Fragment (9999)
    Magic Fragment (9998)
    Elixer of Life (25)

    Holy Book (96)
    Scroll of Magic (59)
    Strategic Map (32)
    Survival Guide (3)


    I will only list Legendary or higher cards in race order.

    Legendary Crusader Lacanus x1
    Legendary Knight x1
    Legendary Champion Knight x1
    Legendary Eacann the Charger x1
    Legendary Mercenary Captain x1
    Legendary Demon Hunter Azrael x2
    Legendary "Iron Fist" Tallis x1
    Legendary Juliet x1

    Legendary Elven Longbow Archer x1
    Legendary First Ranger Talenor x1
    Legendary Tanwen Wildfire x1
    Legendary Pegasus Champion x1
    Legendary Pegasus Legionnaire x1
    Legendary Pegasus Raid Leader x1
    Legendary Ophelia West-Wind x1
    Legendary Elven Rebel x1
    Legendary Velyn the Unscarred x1
    Legendary King Vel'Assar x1
    Legendary Ryli the White Witch x1
    Legendary Edna x1

    Legendary Feles Assassin x1
    Legendary Feles Tracker x2
    Legendary Mifzuna the Wind x2
    Legendary Centaur Guerrilla Leader x1
    Legendary Centaur Archer x1
    Legendary Lucius Swift x1
    Legendary Tengu Warrior x1
    Legendary Tengu Shadow Warrior x1
    Legendary Tengu Bloodseeker x1
    Legendary Sylvi Ranger x1
    Legendary Yumi Swiftshot x1
    Legendary Werewolf Howler x3
    Legendary Fenris the Butcher x1
    Legendary Maia the Shadowblade x1
    Legendary Sky Reaver Vara x1
    Legendary Mynx Hammershock x1
    GODLIKE Fenris the Butcher x1

    Legendary Ofeigur the Undying x1
    Legendary Prince Serka x1
    Legendary Dread Wraith x1
    Legendary Cain the Traitor x1
    Legendary Darius Darkhand x1
    Legendary Desperate Soul x1
    Legendary Capricorn x1
    Legendary Taurus x1
    Legendary The Death x1
    GODLIKE Varkus the Blight x1

    Legendary The High Priestess x1

    Legendary Colossal Ogre Herculues x1
    Legendary Smasha' Rulk x2

    Legendary Winged Emperor x1
    Legendary The Tower x1

    Legendary Zeus-King of the Gods x1
    Legendary Trojan Hoplite x2
    Legendary Greek Peltast x1
    Legendary Thor x1
    Legendary Freyja x1
    Legendary Set x1
    Legendary Anhur x1
    Legendary Anunket x1
    Legendary The World x1
    Legendary ARK Priestess x1
    Legendary Crimson Butterfly x1
    Legendary Oracle Priestess El x1
    GODLIKE Osiris x1

    Legendary Valikastraz x1
    Legendary Blessed Dragonkin x1
    Legendary Shadow Dragon x1
    Legendary Annie the Dragon King x1

    Legendary Judge Caitlyn x2
    Legendary Angelic Flame x1
    Legendary Virtuous Champion x1
    Legendary Cherubic Elite x1

    Legendary Hellborn x1
    Legendary Jaraax the Tormentor x1
    Legendary Obsidian Gargoyle x1
    Legendary Grotesque Goliath x1
    Legendary Pyro Herostratus x1
    Legendary Pit Fiend x1
    Legendary Succubus Temptress x1
    Legendary Corrupt Ankheg x1
    Legendary Plagued Ankheg x1
    Legendary Pestilence Kra'gash x1
    Legendary OverSeer x1
    Legendary Aeneas the Scourge x1
    Legendary Argaroth, The Eternal Dark x1

    Legendary Command: Counterattack x1
    Legendary Rally Point x1

    Legendary Rupture x1

    Legendary Lightning Storm x1

    Legendary Dispel x1
    Legendary Smite x2
    Legendary Inspire x1
    Legendary Blessing: Regenerate x1
    Legendary Guardian Angel x1
    Legendary Sacred Touch x1
    Legendary Blessing: Sanctuary x3
    Legendary Call of Power x1
    Legendary Repulse x1
    Legendary Heavenly Help x2

    Priest Specialist:
    Legendary Holy Messenger x1
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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