Sold Koltzy's elo boosting! Bronze-diamond (master boosters and above)

Discussion in 'League of Legends Boosting - Buy Sell Trade' started by Koltzy, 7/31/17.

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  1. Koltzy

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    I am a 4 time challenger player, along with some of my friends who have been masters-challengers through the seasons! We are fast and can guarantee ATLEAST 1 division per day! We do use VPN's! We also do duo boosting! Message fir details!

    - The person that is leveling your account is located in (countries)? Yes for all NA server orders, for LAN no. it would be a NA player.
    - Am i using a VPN/Proxy? If the customer desires one, then yes.
    - The customer can log into the account in between boosting sessions? NO! The customer can't log on during the boost for the safety of the customers account.
    - If the account gets banned or rewards are removed during Boosting or right after will you compensate the customer? No, players who accept boosting know what they are getting into, it's a risk they are willing to take.
    - Any service purchased is against the ToS/ToU
    - Upon purchase you automatically read and agree with our eloboost terms.

    SKYPE: Koltzy Boosting



    Bronze 5-4 : 8$
    Bronze 4-3 : 8$
    Bronze 3-2 : 8$
    Bronze 2-1 : 8$
    Bronze 1-Silver 5 : 10$


    Silver 5-4 : 12$
    Silver 4-5 : 12$
    Silver 4-3 : 12$
    Silver 3-2 : 12$
    Silver 2-1 : 13$
    Silver 1-Gold 5 : 15 $


    Gold 5-4 : 18$
    Gold 4-3 : 18$
    Gold 3-2 : 18$
    Gold 2-1 : 18$
    Gold 1-Plat 5 : 20$


    Plat 5-4 : 34$
    Plat 4-3 : 34$
    Plat 3-2 : 38$
    Plat 2-1 : 40$
    Plat 1-Diamond 5 : 45$


    Diamond 5-4 : 64$
    Diamond 4-3 : 66$
    Diamond 3-2 : 70$
    Diamond 2-1 : 80$
    Diamond 1 to Master : 160$

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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