Sold Koa kingdom 32 - selling a strong stronghold 26 with 52m power 500k+troops

Discussion in 'King of Avalon Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Safe & Cheap' started by Olhyee, 7/1/17.

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  1. Olhyee

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    Lord 39
    Dragon 39
    Over 500 hours plus in speed ups.
    Over 1 million honor points.
    over 90k traps.
    Good lord equipments (mostly blue, 1 purple, other purple can be crafted soon with enough bronze)
    over 7m silver and 17m iron.
    In items, over 50m food and wood, iron and silver are also fair enough.

    Price: 500 euros ONLY!

    (Negotiation is welcome, can lower price if you're willing to buy it!!)


    POWER: 52M !!
    PRICE: 500 EUROS !!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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