Selling  Android and iOS  High End Knights Chronicle | Lvl 268 non-rushed HIGH-END account | 23 maxed SSR | Easy PvP | Easy WB

Discussion in 'Knights Chronicle Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lord Exodus, 7/15/19.

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  1. Lord Exodus

    Lord Exodus
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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Buy Now Link:
    Buy Now
    -> Very High-End account with 3 fully awakened heroes-
    +Ashley (316 | fully built with costume and badges | Boss and advent killer)
    +Damian (161 | fully built | pvp killer)
    +Ruby (112 | fully built with costume and badges | pvp killer)

    -> 10 costumed heroes (all fully built for the current meta as of July 2019) all equipped with very good badges.

    -> Easily achieve THE HIGHEST TIER OF TOP 5% IN WORLD BOSS

    -> All collab heroes from Fairy Tail

    +Natsu (134 | maxed out with runes | BOSS KILLER)
    +Lucy (113 | maxed out with runes | BOSS KILLER)
    +Wendy (114 | maxed out with runes | BOSS KILLER)
    +Gray (112 | Lvl 60 | not built | NOT VERY USEFUL)
    +Erza (125 | maxed out with runes | BOSS KILLER)


    -> 4/5 RWBY heroes

    -> Part of a very friendly and helpful very active MAX GUILD (also on discord), so there are lot of mentors to guide you around

    -> There is so much more to the account and so much I am doing RN that I cant really list all of it
    -> No images are attached here so you can ask me directly (CONTACT BELOW)
    -> Posting Price is #

    IF YOU ARE INTERESTED MAIL ME AT: [email protected] OR DM ME ON DISCORD: LordExodus#6769
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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