Selling Knight 500-1000 Wins Email Included All Platforms Fortnite Season 1 to 7 Tier 100,

Discussion in 'Fortnite OG Usernames for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by General Forums &, 11/20/19.

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  1. General Forums &

    General Forums &
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    Hello gentlemen, I am selling my excellent account for a good price

    Account Level: 550
    Total Wins: 500+
    V-Bucks: 2,200

    I've unlocked every single free stuff from season 1 to season 7 including playerup, battle pass challenges, extra challenges, I've purchase some limited time skins (example Red Knight) you can check the images for more details, and limited time emotes ( T-Pose, Rock Scissor Paper).

    Every skins has every stages unlocked, the only one that still miss 3 unlocks is the Ice King (season 7) the challanges for unlock the missing 3 styles can be completed in the season 8.
    I've completed all the Limited Time challenges for getting free Season Pass Season 8.

    You will get full email access and the epic game account related, the account has all the 6 free games that Epic Games release every 2 weeks.
    The account can be played on everyplatform it isn't bind to any other external account, Twich link was removed.

    Contact me :

    Discord: tommyhz#4544
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