Sold Kiss of War - Solid grown Account, easily Top 400 Overlord

Discussion in 'Kiss of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Blade1981, 6/28/22.

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  1. Blade1981

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    I want to sell my account which I was playing around 2 years already the game Kiss of War (KoW). The account is very healthy and good balances, and it does include Ophelia and Katherine!

    If you want an account, which is smart built up and does not add up power just because of troops, but also has good officers and good fitting weapons and ships, you are right here :)

    Field-Fight, Rally or Garrison - whatever you want, you can do great and not just good.

    Top Ranking in last Biozones and also SVS (just last one not, I needed to work).

    Top 400 always since few months in Overlord. Top 300 is possible (had it last week for example if you want a screenshot), but it is tough against the wale-accounts :D I often beat accounts with more than 120M strength in Overlord.

    I want to sell the account because my private live changed and I don't much time to play anymore.
    Time for Facts:
    Strength: 83M
    Kills: 170M
    VIP: 15 (VIP-Support)

    T5: 1,4M
    T4: 0,8M
    Artillery is most T1 and T2 (so it does not add up useless Strength)

    All Officers are available - all have minimum Level 30.

    Training-Level (New Training-System):
    Ling 67
    Jessica 54
    Sophia 41
    Grace 47
    Christina 35
    Ophelia 21
    Jessica 38
    Diana 21
    Nathalia 21
    Katherine 21
    Sakura 21
    Hannah 21
    Olivia 21
    Loubna 1

    Weapons - golden:
    Panzerfaust: 90 5*
    Panzerfaust: 80 5*
    StG44: 80 5*
    MG 42: 75 5*
    Panzerfaust: 75 4*
    StG 44: 75 4*
    Springfield: 71 4*
    M3: 70 4*
    Springfield: 70 4*
    Springfield: 70 4*
    Flamethrower: 60 4*
    Panzerfaust: 70 3*
    M3: 4 3* (not right Stats yet)
    And a few more 1* Panzerfaust, M3, Kar and Flamethrower

    Transfer-Zertificates: 22

    Weapons - lila:
    Thompson: 75 5*
    M1887: 75 5*
    PPSh: 75 5*
    Thompson: 60 5*
    Thompson: 50 5*
    And a few more 4* Thompson, Bazooka, PPSh, MP40

    Sims: Level 100
    Porter: Level 73
    Madison: Level 61
    Heywood: Level 63

    Base- and Officer-Outfits:
    The new dragon-castle outfit (inferno-dragon), as also most of the little newer ones I have. The older ones, there are missing some.
    Officer-Outfits: Same as Base-Outfits, the newer ones I almost have all (incl. Swim-Suite for Olivia), but older ones are some missing.


    640 days of speedups (General 150, Repair 110, ...)

    Exp-Books: 40M (because of new Training-System - few Lila-Officers are Level 70 already)
    AP-Packs: 130x of 50 and 100

    The account is in a very healthy, organized and good balanced zone with reliable mates.

    Something Else?
    Yes, still more benefit!
    It would also include my Farm, which is below 20M, but you can even do Soloing Level 9 Behemoths and it has a huge amount of troops, Speedups and also good amount of Resources and in addition 60k Gold!
    The farm has everything needed for supporting the Main-Account, but does not add up useless strength! The Base itself might have around 10M or maybe 11M Strength.

    Contact me if you are interested. Until that, I will continue with my best for this account, which was growing with heart.

    I guess Paypal would be easiest.
    As soon we are ready for payment, I would transfer the accounts to the already new created Google-Account.
    When the money arrives, I give out the account data from the google-account.

    Suggestions or questions? Let me know and we can talk about :)

    Very best regards
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