Sold Kings and Legends beginner account

Discussion in 'Rise of Mythos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Johan711699, 7/2/14.

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  1. Johan711699

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    Hi everyone!

    I want to buy gift for my mother's birthday so I decided to sell account on Kings and Legends S13 (last one).

    It is NOT VIP account with tons of cards, but it is perfect choice for someone who don't want spent lot of time
    to pass very basic quests and want to evolve account by himself. Additionally you will receive completely new e-mail (no spam, no mails) address with the same name as at game (name is really nice).

    Level is 35, Priest class, 30+ epic cards, around 200 gold and the same amount of rubies, 93% win rate, 3 prepared type of decks: Rush, Anti-rush and common. I have no money to buy VIP, so all these cards where or get through some events or fused via Alchemy Lab. You could propose your own price.

    If you decided to buy or just interested (or want to receive more detailed information), please contact me via PM or e-mail [lunatico [at] ukr [dot] net].
    Really appreciate if someone will help me with buying gift for mother, cause now I have no other possibility to earn money.

    Thanks in advanced.
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