Selling  High End  Android and iOS Kingdom 227 | Keep 29 (House 40) | 92 Million Power (5+ million T9s) | Dragon 35

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Conquest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AndyRh, 4/23/19.

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  1. AndyRh

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    Asking $2,750. See details below. Happy to share ss for whatever you need.

    *This account is bound to my personal/one and only facebook. account, but I don't use facebook., so I'd be turning that account over to you as well.*

    - - -

    Kingdom: 227 (merged --> 122, 124, and 125 in late 2018)
    Keep: 29 | House: 40 (7.3 million away from 41)
    Total Power: 92 million
    Troops: 5+ million T9s (2+ million cav. | 1.2 million each of inf. and ranged | 860k siege) | 1.6 million T1-T8
    Dragon: 35 (need lore to get to 36)

    - - -

    Gold: 650k
    Stamina: 35k (yes, thirty-five thousand [35,000])

    - - -

    Food (crated): Almost 1.3 billion
    Wood: 2.8 billion
    Stone: 316 million
    Iron: 124 million

    - - -

    - Building Materials -
    Keystone: 18 (16k away from K30. More on that just below.)
    Brick: 59k
    Pine: 25k

    If you want to get to K30 and T10 cav. and inf. you'll need to upgrade the wall (currently 29), keep (duh), farm (currently 29), stable (currently 29), war camp (currently 29), and barracks (currently 29). To do all these upgrades you'll need:
    - 16k keystone
    - 265k brick (total, not in addition to the 59k above)
    - 88k pine (total, not in addition to the 25k above)
    - 1.2 billion food (already have)
    - 2.3 billion wood (already have)
    - 115 million stone (already have)
    - 60 million iron (already have)

    - - -

    - Gear sets -
    1. Training: Legendary L30 head, Legendary L30 chest, Exquisite L30 legs, Epic L30 weapon, Exquisite L35 ring, Exquisite L30 boots, and Fine L30 trinket.

    2. March (speed and size): Exquisite L35 head, Legendary L30 chest, Fine L35 legs, Exquisite L35 weapon, Exquisite L35 ring, Epic L30 boots, and Exquisite L30 trinket. Depending on what you need/prefer, there's also: Legendary L30 weapon, Epic L30 ring, and Braavosi (Exquisite L25 head, Exquisite L25 chest, Epic L30 legs, Exquisite L25 weapon, Exquisite L30 ring, and Exquisite L25 boots).

    3. Attack (cav. focused): All Dornish except for trinket (Exquisite L30 goblet). Dornish gear is all L30 with 3 Legendary and 3 Epic. Secondary focus is inf., so I have some decent gear there. Weakest in ranged.

    4. Healing: Legendary L30 head, Exquisite L30 chest, Exquisite L25 legs, Exquisite L30 weapon, Legendary L30 ring, Legendary L20 boots, and Legendary L25 trinket.

    Also have Whent (most are L15 Epic or Legendary) and Quartheen (L20-30 Fine, Exquisite, and Legendary) for maester and building.

    Most of armory stocked with L10-15 gear that is Exquisite or better.

    - - -

    Research is in good shape. Most of military tree complete (again, focused mostly on cav., so you'll have to amp up inf. and ranged if you want those). Roughly halfway through advanced military tree (again, cav. focused). Dragon research is decent.

    - - -

    - Other odds and ends -
    - Not in an alliance, so you're free and clear to join whomever.
    - Ports: 445 advanced and 170 random.
    - Plenty of attack, defense, health, size, and speed boosts (at least 200 30% for each)
    - Speedups (non-specific): 207 24h, 385 8h, 370 3h, 4,800 60m, 20,675 5m, 45,000 1m. Decent amount of crafting speedups. Not much in the way of construction or research speedups.
    - Good amount of extra maesters and builders (45+ 7-day and 25+ 30-day).
    - 7,125 prayer candles.
    #1 AndyRh, 4/23/19
    Last edited: 4/23/19
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  2. stephannybarre

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    How can I contact you, and how can I see photos of the account? I'm very interested
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  3. OP

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    Hi there. Are you on Discord? My name is Ândy#6942.
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  4. OP

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    Correction: The wall is at 28. While it needs to be upgraded to 29 to upgrade the keep to 30, it doesn't need to be upgraded beyond that for T10 cav. or inf. (not sure about ranged or siege).

    This was an honest mistake on my part, not a deliberate attempt to deceive.
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