Selling  Android and iOS  Level 13  5+ Max Cards  17+ Legendary Cards  5000+ Trophies King Lvl 12| 604408 Gold| lvl 13 10+ cards | 5311 Trophy| 1087 Gems| Trade cards : 12 legendary, 11E

Discussion in 'Clash Royale Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Tradyboss, 12/22/21.

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  1. Tradyboss

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    King Lvl 12| 604408 Gold| lvl 13 10+ cards | 5311 Trophy| 1087 Gems| Trade cards : 12 legendary, 11Epic, 10Rare, 11Common | 21 emote

    ✔️604408 gold so you can upgrade cards upto lvl 13 12✔️

    ✔️Trade cards also there total 44✔️

    ✔️Magic items wild cards - 2152 common , 683 rare , 66 epic , 7 legendary wild cards ,✔️

    Wild cards are more so u can upgrade cards
    ✔️ 9 chest keys✔️

    ✔️1 book of cards

    ✔️21 emote

    You can trade cards and max out cards ✔️

    message me on whatsapp number before you buy

    +1 (706) 609-3586

    account is binded to a supercell ID with a safe E-mail which was created especially for the clash royale account. After purchasing i will hand over the account via e-mail and password to get a fully access with the account.✔️

    contact me on whatsapp number before yo Screenshot_20211206_091806_com.supercell.clashroyale.jpg u buy
    +1 (706) 609-3586
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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