KickStarter Sapphire Patron Account for sale. Purchased Nov 2015 during CrowFall KickStarter. Thank you! http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1479334998/pmdqkps5rl4rupa0tvt9.jpg Backer Rewards REWARD NAME REWARD DESCRIPTION COUNT GIFTABLE CONSUMABLE REDEEMABLECredits - Sapphire Patron KS Credits - Sapphire Patron KS 1 Forum Badge/Frame - Sapphire Patron KS Forum Badge/Frame - Sapphire Patron KS 1 Guild Hall - Company Garrison Guild Hall - Company Garrison 1 Kickstarter Castle Accessory Pack a collection of Kickstarter accessories for the Castle Throneroom 1 Castle Throneroom a stronghold centerpiece building (Castle Throneroom) 1 Small Castle Pack a small collection of modular Castle (stone) pieces 1 Parcel City Rank 1 a City stronghold parcel (rank 1) 1 Large Keep Pack a large collection of modular Keep (stone) pieces 1 Parcel Town Rank 3 a Town stronghold parcel (rank 3) 1 2015 Greathall Accessory Pack a collection of 2015 accessories for the Greathall building 1 Keep Greathall a stronghold centerpiece building (Greathall) 1 Play Test SP Access Entitlement play-test-sp Default Description 20 Play Test SP Participant play-test-sp-participant Default Description 1 Play Test 2 Participant Participated in play test 2 1 Play Test 2 Access Entitlement Play Test 2 Access Entitlement 1 Siege Perilous Match Access Can Play Siege Perilous Matches 1 2015 Pledge Participant Pledged for Crowfall in 2015 1 Alpha Group 2 Alpha Group 2 Access Entitlement 1 Forum Access Forum Access 1 Play Test 1 Crowfall Play Test 1 40 Kickstarter Participant Participated in Kickstarter 1 Physical Collectors Edition/KS + 10 A boxed, limited collector's edition of Crowfall 1 One month VIP One month VIP 72 Dwarven Blacksmith Thrall Improved crafting 1 Centaur Relic Grants Blessing of Courage 1 Stoneborne Relic Grants Gaes of Craftsmanship 1 All Father Statue w/Blessing of Knowledge (KS exclusive) Statue grants Blessing of Knowledge 1 Expanded Symbols Guild Heraldry Access to an expanded selection of symbols in the Guild Heraldry creator 1 Divine Cathedral A cathedral, dedicated to the god of your choice, for your personal kingdom 1 Villa A villa for your personal kingdom 1 Name a Location Select the name of a location in-game (subject to approval) 1 Alpha 1 Begin playing during the alpha testing phase 1 Expanded Colors Guild Heraldry Access to an expanded selection of colors in the Guild Heraldry creator 1 Name a Fallen Monarch Choose the name of a fallen monarch (subject to approval) 1 (1 cell) Farmland Parcel (standard) 1x1 farmland 15 Reserve Guild Name Protect your chosen guild name by reserving it early 1 Name a Fallen Hero Choose the name of a fallen hero (subject to approval) 1 Bank size +20% Increase the capacity of your account bank by 20% 1 Cottage A cottage for your personal kingdom 2 Nightmare Mount-KS Magical figurine that summons a unique mount 1 Character Slot An additional character slot 3 God Statue (1 of 12) - KS Choose an exclusive god statue for your personal kingdom 1 Warhorse-KS Magical figurine that summons a unique mount 1 Unique Character Name (reserved) Reserve your character's name 1 Digital Sound Track Downloadable Crowfall sound track 1 Digital Art Book Download a visually stunning collection of Crowfall artwork 1 Quarterhorse-KS Magical figurine that summons a unique mount 1 Arcane Weapon set - KS Cosmetic upgrade for weapons 1 Digital Game Copy Downloadable copy of Crowfall 1 Pack Pig Guinea Beast Pack Animal 1 Extra VIP KS One month VIP - Kickstarter bonus 1 Alpha Group 1 Alpha Group 1 Access Entitlement 1 Beta Group 6 Beta Group 6 Access Entitlement 1 Consumed Rewards History REWARD DESCRIPTION DATE CONSUMED GRANTEDKS Sapphire Patron KS Sapphire Patron Aug 22, 2015 Extra VIP KS Pack Pig Forum Badge/Frame - Sapphire Patron KS Credits - Sapphire Patron KS Digital Game Copy Arcane Weapon set - KS Quarterhorse-KS Digital Art Book Digital Sound Track Unique Character Name (reserved) Warhorse-KS God Statue (1 of 12) - KS Character Slot Nightmare Mount-KS Cottage Bank size +20% Name a Fallen Hero Physical Collectors Edition/KS Reserve Guild Name (1 cell) Farmland Parcel (standard) Name a Fallen Monarch Expanded Colors Guild Heraldry Alpha 1 Name a Location 9 cell Stronghold-small castle/BaronBaroness Villa Divine Cathedral Expanded Symbols Guild Heraldry All Father Statue w/Blessing of Knowledge (KS exclusive) Stoneborne Relic Centaur Relic Dwarven Blacksmith Thrall One month VIP 7 cell Stronghold-large keep 15' Company Garrison