Selling (KHUXJP) Fairly New!/C2P/KairiEX/CHEAP

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts Unchained X Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Veny123, 10/24/17.

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  1. Veny123

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    Price $:
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    Level: 331
    Nova: 250 (Not all story medals are guilted)
    About 90 days played (as of 10/23/17)
    Easily get top 5k in coliseum, so far I have been able to rank under 4k in every HSC since Sora and Neku, Top 1000 in LUX ranking is easily attainable within any union. Not all Keyblades are +25, but Fairy Stars is +35.
    All story and proud quests are complete. Currently has 1000 jewels, 525 medal slots.

    Top notch medals: (I will not post traits unless they are very good ones)
    Main buffers:
    SB Kairi EX - 200% - Second chance 3 ( Game Breaking )
    Key Art #11 - 180% - Second chance 3 - Extra Attack
    LUX Medals (Every medal under here has LuxXL100)
    SB Ava EX - 200%
    Aced EX - 200%
    0.2 Terra - 180%
    Herc - 200%
    Sephiroth EX - 180%
    Xion HD - 180% - Raid 40%
    Other Notable tier 7s
    Illus.HT Donald - 200% - no skill
    Vanitas HD - 200% - XL2100

    I do have all Toon Medals except Toon Xion
    Toon Riku has -60 Air and Ground defense traits
    Toon Mickey has -60 Air defense trait
    Other medals worth noting:
    Namine HD, Axel EX, Illus.ATSora,

    VIP Medals: (if not already stated above)
    Key Art #13 - 180% - has the three damage traits raid and both Air and Ground defense.
    Key Art #12 - 156%
    Key Art #10 - 113% - both Air and Ground defense
    Santa Sora - 150% - Extra Attack
    Illus.Belle and Beast - 150%

    I do have other medals, if you'd like to see the rest of it as well as my avatar boards, character, etc. Add me on discord
    I have spent well over $230 on this account, minimum offer I will take is between $75 and $100.
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  2. PlayerUp

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