Sold KHUX JP - 32k Jewel, Ex, Gems, Storage

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rafael Hiroshi, 8/29/17.

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  1. Rafael Hiroshi

    Rafael Hiroshi
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    I rushed only 90 main quest, i think you can get +/- 25k jewel in mains.

    Price: US$ 70

    Main contents:

    32 000+ Jewels
    36 Power Gem
    37 Speed Gem
    32 Magic Gem
    750 Storage space
    20 Mickey And Brooms

    Sephroth Ex (Max Guilt/ Lux XL100)
    Sora Anti Form (Max Guilt/ Without skill)

    Aqua Illutred Ver B (Status Bonus/ Max Guilt/ Cost1XL100)
    Larxene HD (Max Guilt/ Cost1XL100)
    Xion HD (0 dot/ without skill)

    Many skills and premium medals.

    *Only Starlight is upped (Lv 25). With these gems, u can up Fairy Star until 35.

    I can sell by ebay (with +10% in price) or directly by paypal.
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