Pet Rank Max. Story and Hard Mode completed with only 1 last dark matter to receive. All keybaldes lvl 25 except for dragnaw lvl 24. Fenrir 34, Counterpoint 34, Fairy Stars 35, Olympia 30, Divine Rose 30. Currently lvl 349 with 7k jewels and will receive 6k from moogle pulls of April and another 5k from turning lvl 350. Will take payment through paypal as friends and family, message me for any further questions or pictures of the accounts. Many other medals are included besides the notable ones. Album is about to be 50% complete if your interested in that. Notable Medals: Illustarted Kairi EX Illustrated Xion EX (Boosted) Scrooge McDuck Vexen + (Max Guilt) (Raids) Key Art 16 (Max Guilt) (Str 1k) Master Xehanort EX (Max Guilt) (Str 1k) Sephiroth EX+ (Max Guilt) (Boosted) HD Vanitas (Max Guilt) (Str 1k, Areial) Key Art Bonds (Max Guilt) (w/ EA, Str 1k) Illustrated Donald B (3Dot) (HSC Medal) (Str 1k) Master Xehanort EX+ (1Dot) (Raids) HD Vanitas EX+ (Guilt 210) (Raids) Illustrated KH Riku EX (Max Guilt) Roxas Art EX HD Aqua EX (Max Guilt) Axel Art EX (3Dot) KH II Could EX (1Dot) HD Riku Replica (3Dot) FFRK Warrior of Light (Max Guilt) (HSC Medal) (Raids, Grounds) Herc B (Max Guilt) (Arial, Grounds) KH II Namine King Triton (4Dot) (HSC Medal) HD Xion (Max Guilt) (Raids, Grounds) HD Zexion (Max Guilt) (Ariel) HD Larxene (Max Guilt) (Ariel, Grounds, Raids) HD Antiform Sora (Max Guilt) (Raids, Ariel) HD Namine (Max Guilt) (Raids x2) Young King Mickey B (HSC Medal) (Boosted) Illustrated Halloween Goofy (2Dot) Black Coat Riku (Max Guilt) (Str 1k x2, Grounds) HD KH II Leon (Max Guilt) (Raids)
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