Sold Keep 34 with 69 Dragon and T11 army (Kingdom 457)

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Conquest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Charlottowne, 1/7/20.

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  1. Charlottowne

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    Selling a K34 in Kingdom 457. Account has a full T11 army, over 1 million troops of all 4 types (approaching 2 million in Range). Level 42 house, with all-40 3.0 generation gear primary gear sets (Cavalry, Infantry, Range, and Siege). You also have 3 or 4 wearable gold-40 gear (some range, some siege, some cav, etc). Also has training gear, healing gear, march speed gear, march size gear. This is the strongest account in the kingdom.
    Every armory set is completed with 6 pieces, activating all the boosts (2+ yellow, 2+ blue, and <2 grey). Most armory sets are hovering at an average of 165 points (most ranging between 160 & 175). Some outliers are near 200, some of the first gen (such as Quartheen) are near 120. This account was never bound to a game center.

    Military tree and all the maester chains are complete. All the dragon vs dragon research is complete. Most of the Repel Strike & Fire Breath is complete (but not all). Nurture Tree research is complete, as well. Remaining dragon research is hit & miss. Dragon research was focused first on Nuture tree until I hit 69, then I focused on Dragon vs Dragon for attack & defense boosts, then I went for defense over attack (repel strike).

    Account is slightly geared towards Range & Infantry, as most building enhancements have focused on Range & Infantry. Has surprising Siege Wall Damage (can take a 2.5 SOP in 1 hit). Cav is nothing to balk at, though. I just haven't done quite as many enhancements (most sit around level 15). Has a lot of RSS and about 1 million gold, still. Also has about 55,000 prayer candles and over 2 billion crafting steel.

    Photos of the K34 are here:

    With the main account, I am also including 3 other accounts for free, as a "gift". They will not be split off from the K34 for sub-sales.
    First is a Keep 30 with a full T10 army and a level 62 dragon, sitting at about 110 million power. Nurture tree research is complete for the dragon, some other dragon research is also complete. The other accounts are 2 RSS alts with more than 25,000 prayer candles each, and billions of food, wood, stone, and iron... total gold between the 2 accounts is over 5 million. Each account is about 55 million power, and would be best suited as spot holders, spy accounts, or as PVP splat points.
    Each of these 3 accounts was gifted to me as the original owners left over a year ago & have never returned. For this reason, I will only include them for free with the purchase of the K34. I will not split them off for sale, since I cannot guarantee their origins.

    You will be receiving the gmail accounts and the facebook accounts for *ALL 4* games. The K34 was my original account, and I can guarantee it was never bound to apple game center (I use Android only). You will have complete and exclusive access to do as you wish with the gmail accounts, facebook accounts, passwords, etc. After purchasing 10 packs, you can also have WB unbind the account & then you can rebind it to a new account.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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