K98: Boetos SH21 209m power + 500k gold, all t4s unlocked, all t4 traps unlocked, 3,75m t3+t4 troops, max 125k t4 traps built, hero lvl 50 with 2 golden, 1 purple anniversary items, the rest is golden items (war gears equipped with lvl6 gems), maximized for calvary and ranged attack, troops defense, troops health. Buildings maximized for fast troops train, come with 5 farms: SH21 (food: 45m/d, silver 18m/d); SH18 (Stone: 21m/d, silver 1,3m/d); SH18 (wood: 18m/d); SH17 (Stone 9,2m/d, ore is building); SH17 (wood: 12,5m/d) and some 10 SH10 farms to create your own pod. If you want some screen shots i'll take SS. Looking for 3000usd paying thru paypal, pm me for more details.