K86 SH19 ~10k Gold 9Mil power Lord lvl 25 and almost half Dragon lvl 29 and about 2/3rds Dragon spirit lvl 20 almost 21 Troops inf 11k t7 cav 17.8 t7 , 15.7k t6 bow 14.8 t7 seige 9.7k t6, 5.3 t5, 5.2 t1 total troops ~85k traps t1-t3 21.3k 10+ advanced and random tp 104 barb keys vip lvl 7, 3350 vip points availble through item use 10000 gold 900+ 5min boosts 80 1hr boosts 15 attack boosts 20 defense 1each 25% 12h 10 peace shields Chest armor troop load 24% food wood gather 36% chest bowmen infantry and cav damage received -10.8% sh 19 Dragon altar 17 university 15 embassy 18 hall of war 17 storehouse 17 black smith 15 9 farms 16-19 7 wood 15-19 3 hospital 12-14 6 iron 16-17 3 silver 10-15 8 military tent 12-14 (with research and tents can train 680 troops) paypal make me an offer