k76: 11 Account RSS business - makes 230+ million rss / day - make money back

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/24/14.

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  1. Games

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    I am selling my Resource Business. You can purchase these accounts and become the biggest player in all of LOGOS k:76, or sell to others in your kingdom and make your money back and have a business. Either way its a great deal for you. email me at 1gowrss@gmail

    Level 21: account has over 900 million resources in it right now. Been banking for you to make the sale sweeter. Has lvl 21 Marketplace so transfers are only 8% tax for business! 25k t3 troops in hospital, 1,133 gold, 500k loyalty funds, lvl 9 VIP,

    Level 19: 746,996 ore / hour , 276,115 silver / hour, lvl 48 hero, 70k T3 troops in hospital - has over 158 days of speedups, 732k casino chips, 24 gold, lvl 10 VIP

    Level 17: 810,009 wood / hour, 129,638 silver / hour , lvl 46 hero, 30k t3 troops in hospital, 1.4 million loyalty funds, 2,290 gold, lvl 9 VIP

    Level 17: 830,361 stone / hour, 218,525 silver / hour, lvl 46 hero, 402k casino chips, has over 50+ days of speedups, 670k loyalty funds, 2,297 gold, lvl 9 VIP

    Level 18: 2,485,943 food / hour, 61,161 silver / hr, 50k t3 troops in hospital, 1,020 gold, 1.3m loyalty funds, lvl 9 VIP

    Level 17: 628,992 stone / hour, 80,807 silver / hour, lvl 46 hero, 10k t3 & 40k t2 troops in hospital, 681k loyalty funds, 235 gold, lvl 9 VIP

    Level 17: 655,200 stone / hour, 73,006 silver / hour, lvl 46 hero, 75k t3 troops in hospital, 1.1m loyalty funds, 500 gold, lvl 9 VIP

    Level 18: 475,675 ore / hour, 188,214 silver / hour, lvl 47 hero, 60k t3 troops in hospital, 1,559 gold, lvl 9 VIP

    Level 16: 663,680 wood / hour, 72,647 silver / hour , lvl 45 hero (almost lvl 46), 50+ days of speedups, 1.6 million loyalty funds, 444 gold, lvl 9 VIP

    Level 15: 658,944 wood / hour, 72,647 silver / hour , lvl 44 hero (almost lvl 45), 3k t3 troops in hospital, 2.0 million loyalty funds, 1,918 gold, lvl 9 VIP

    Level 14: 432,432 ore / hour, 60,338 silver / hour, lvl 44 hero, 28k t2 troops in hospital, 1,109 gold, lvl 9 VIP

    email me at 1gowrss@gmail

    If you buy now you could sell over a billion rss in the super wonder this weekend ... this deal pays for itself ... can't believe you guys aren't jumping on this?!?! You can make $2,000 - $4,000+ a month, every month, with this business. I have no time for it anymore so someone else can reap the benefits.

    my hesitation is form the SH levels it would be difficult to stop heros getting taken without constant shields or rallys. Its a niche sale, not everyone wants to maintain such a big farm :P
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