Selling  K63 - TOP 60 - 15 Mil Power - very active Kingdom

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Winter is Coming Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Armin Baur, 9/17/19.

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  1. Armin Baur

    Armin Baur
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    My Location:
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    K63, Top 60, VIP 9, very Active Kingdome.

    I`m in a good relationship with the leaders of the TOP Alliances.
    And the Second Hand of the second Allianz.

    There are enough resources to easily get to castle 25 and beyond.

    ~15 mil Power
    Lord level 52
    Blue Diamonds 10K (+ 18k from ironbank at the 26.9.)

    250k T3 troops
    230k Beds

    Castle 24
    Barracks 24
    Mint 24
    1 of all Farms is 24
    Maester's Tower 23
    Wall defense 23
    Hospital 22
    Rookery 22
    Market 20
    Bannerman Hall 18
    Embassy 18
    Blacksmith 17
    Dungeon 15
    Iron Bank 7

    Commanders: 15
    Purple (Chris)
    Blue (Melisandre, Soren and Arya Stark)
    Green (Gorell, Sansa Stark, Sheila(24/50), Russell)
    Grey (Rob Stark, Merrel Peake, Varys, Arslan, Tyrion Lannister, Feis, Barret)

    Troop Appearance:
    Oldtownbowmen 12/60 (level 1)
    Gold Cloak 3/60 (level 1)
    House Reed Spearmen: 20/30
    Furious Smallfolk 4/30

    Dragon 45 and close to Elder Dragon

    Important researches:
    Army Armor Upgrade I: 6
    Army Weapon Upgrade I: 6
    Army Physical Training I: 6
    Pacification Strategies: researching 7/8
    Spearmen-Infantry Formation: researchable
    Cavalry-Spearmen Formation: researchable

    3 days
    Reserach 2 Days
    troops 7 Days
    Heal 3 days
    #1 Armin Baur, 9/17/19
    Last edited: 9/17/19
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