Selling  High End  Android and iOS K528, Keep 34, House 45, 300 Mill XP

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Conquest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by GOTCK528, 3/13/20.

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  1. GOTCK528

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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Buy Now Link:
    Buy Now
    Account Info:
    T11 Infantry based with multiple gear sets.
    Gear - LVL 40 Exquisite and up.
    Gold - Over 3,000,000.
    Dragon - LVL 53, halfway to 54.
    Prestige - 40 million from House LVL 46.
    Food - Over 3 Billion boxed.
    Wood - 233 million open and over 1.5 Billion boxed.
    Stone - 38 million open and over 11 million boxed.
    Iron - 10 million open and over 80 mill boxed.
    Building - 690K Bricks, 197K Pine, 1122 Keystones, 63k Slate and 33K Marble.
    Research - 55K Scholarly Fragments, over 4K Pale Steel and 5k Red Flake.
    Crafting - 750 million Steel.
    Basic Materials - Over 2.5 million basic mats in all types, some over 17 million.
    Advance Materials - Tons of adv. mats including over 22 mill composite cloth for NEW Faceless Infantry gear.
    Hundreds of boosts. Thousands of speed-ups.
    2,000 prayers for Shrine.
    2nd builder and 2nd maester for over 3 years.
    3 years worth of shields.

    Kingdom Info:
    We are in our 3rd week of 3rd merge, between K418 and K419 now K528.

    Alliances are powerful and hold 3 of the top 6 spots for the World Boss Event.

    Hitters are fierce and hold top 3 solo record spot.

    With this account you should have no trouble getting into a top alliance and being able to hold your own on the battlefield.
    $7500.00 - OBO

    #1 GOTCK528, 3/13/20
    Last edited: 3/22/20
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  2. Samiwise

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    Mate, With that armory my best offer will be 4K! Not more :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
    iSayuHeDeaD likes this.
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