I am selling my account in kingdom 5. Account is a member of a top 3 guild with 2 highest might players in the kingdom. Account is set to hyperfarm ore (guild has a bank). At the moment there is 560+K troops (350k T3, 110k T2, 100k T1). Castle is at 24lvl with 25lvl building at the moment. Research focused on military and defense with pretty good construction and monster (monster lvl 3). VIP lvl is 11. Player lvl is 57. 5 blue heroes (almost 20K might coloseum). Gems - 30+K (24k in trove and 6-10k free to use). Feel free to ask me anything here or on Line (my ID is joyland2) I am still playing and expect to grow to 30m might by the end of the month. I am selling this account because of the lack of time to focus on it. Account is ready to play with good offense and defense.