As of now: Lord level 58 29m+ power All tier 10 troops and tier 5 skyland troops Full judge equipment, 5 pieces reaper, 2 pieces eternity Military science 259/288 (only left with cartography and recruitment) 32/100 Sky science (sky college level 6, maxed) All 4 dragons and all 4 Gods unlocked All SS heroes (including Scarlet) except Tina 3 set of permanent castle skin with buff 6.5k floating stones, 3.9k research logs, more than 500k gold and a lot of resources in boxes. Respected and feared, easily take top 10 in arena. Only for 1000 USD Too busy to play or I wouldn't sell the castle. Contact me on LINE app, ID is: kjtzzx or WeChat, ID is: kjtzzx screenshots will be provided on request.
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