SERVER 233. K30 4.1 bn Thebes lvl12 most duty gens 2 red star incl Ashoka and new arch tower officer; three gold jap, one gold Russia, 3 purple Russia, one purple jap. 5 fully runed gens 6th gen working on last piece of final specialty. Def gens include marshal and Leo and dewey all runed. Alfred and Scipio, Martinus fully runed many gens. Almost 400 bn rss. 60k days speeds. Ready to start k40 (waiting for consuming). Lots of civ gear, column 4 and ma4. Lots of tactic scrolls and research stones and SOLs. 350 bn rss and 60k days speeds K37 2.4 bn, k38 build started. 30 bn food. Many gens, dewey, scipio, Martinus etc 3 gold, 4 purple including jap and Russia. 6 march slots K30 alt with good and purple koreas search and friend request to monarch ID 36930475 #1