Sold  K38 3.6B VIP18 2.3M Diamond S1043

Discussion in 'Evony Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Natsuki7216, 9/9/22.

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  1. Natsuki7216

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    My Location:
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    Monarch Lv 38 K38
    Victory Column Lv 4
    Military Academy Lv 3
    Monarch gears are mostly at level 7 with accompanied with Lv 9 daggers (Ground/Siege/Ranged/Mounted)
    42K SoL, 66.7K S1 Rune, 31.5K S2 Rune, 5.5K S3 Rune.
    Research Academy 90% completed. 19.7K Research Stone and approx 1.8B Gold available
    RSS Food/Wood/Stone/Ore 11.9B/4.4B/9B/18B
    2.3M Gems

    Notable general
    - Elise 10*
    - Leo III 9* (Missing 60 fragments for 10*)
    - Kaguya 7*
    - Martinus 7*
    - Maximilian I 7*
    - Simeon 6* (Not raised, but I have enough character fragment for his 10*)
    - Petronas (Not raised, 210/450 fragments for 10* ascension)
    - Ashoka 8*
    - Toyotomi 8*
    - Maurice 7* (Missing approx. 2 character for 8*)
    - Cnut x3
    - Nordic Barbarian King
    - Baldwin 6* x2, Baldwin x2 (Total 4 Baldwin)

    Ranged and Ground March are ranging 1400-1500%. I can't remember for Mount, Siege is unraised, however civ gears are available w/ weapon/bracer decently refined.

    Sub is
    - Gold Japan (main sub), 2 Purple Japan, 2 Blue Japan
    - Gold Russia x2

    Civ gear collection
    - Bourbon (5/6) - Missing shoe
    - Plantagenet (4/6) - Missing leg armor & shoe
    - Furinkazan (3/6) - Missing top/leg armor and helmet
    - Koryo (4/6) - Missing bow and top armor
    - Abbas (5/6) - Missing shoes
    - Rurik (5/6) - Missing shoes

    Civ Treasure
    All level 4

    Celtic - Lv 10 (Ranged)
    Fafnir - Lv 9 (Mounted)
    Norway - Lv 9 (Ground)
    Thebes - Lv 8 (Wall General)

    Castle Decoration
    Edinburgh - Volcano
    Colossus (Unused, so you can pick either Genesis or Apocalypse)
    Rose - York

    Server is S1043, C4.

    Selling due to increasing work commitments.
    I think this is a decent account if you still want to grow up the account rather than having everything 100% ready and complete.

    Let me know if you need further details and feel free to negotiate.
    EDIT: Reduced price to $1,500. I'm trying to leave the game for good in favour of work...
    EDIT2: Account now sold.
    #1 Natsuki7216, 9/9/22
    Last edited: 9/14/22
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