Hello, Account info: Server: 1020+ , its a 5-6 months old server, Monarch lvl: 32 VIP lvl: 14 Total power: 1b Keep lvl 35 Tech: 9,2 mil 27m troops: 1,5m each t13, 1m each t12, some layers, 300k t14 ground Only ground t14 unlocked so far Generals: Martinus,Alfred,Scipio,Leonidas as main generals. And many other generals. One of top accounts on server. Wonder 2 unlocked, only thebes lvl3, all others are on lvl6. 5 civil gears, few scrolls and some scroll fragments. Subs: 2 gold japs, 4 gold russia,1 purple jap With this main i can give 3 alts. 2x K25 and 1x K30 with milion of T12 cavs. I lost my will to play and want to uninstall the game. Contact me here or thru discord: ChooNator#9424