Hello, Account info: Server: 1020+ , its a 4 months old server, Monarch lvl: 31 VIP lvl: 14 Total power: 750 mil, one of top accounts Tech: 8,5 mil Troops: - 1m T13 ground&ranged - 1,5m T13 cavs - 1m each t12 - Layers 300k t11-t2 - 1m of each t1 Generals: Martinus,Alfred,Scipio,Leonidas as main generals. And many many other. Wonder 2 unlocked, only thebes lvl2, all others are on lvl6. Some civil scrolls collected. Subs: 2 gold japs and 5 purple japs Only few more artworks, raged king and gwon ryul needed for full art hall. Im building walls lvl 34 so when its finished You can go for K35. Unfortunately not many rss and speed ups are on my main because i used many for improvements. With this main i can give 3 alts. 2x K25 and 1x K30 with milion of T12 cavs. I lost my will to play and want to uninstall the game. Contact me here or thru discord: ChooNator#9424
Change: Nearly made enough rss for K35, Academy 35, Army camp and rally spot 35. Waiting for rss consumption event. Power 780m Tech 9m Subs now: 2 gold japs, 2 gold russia, 3 purp japs