Discussion in 'Evony Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by uflorister, 1/24/22.

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  1. uflorister

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    The Monarch level is 34, so are most generals VIP level 14 , SERVER NAP
    Technology power is 12 million, first 4 tabs and the last Advance military are almost finished, so the most important pvp buffs. Construction power is 11.2 million, all buildings are over level 30, main buildings are 32+
    33: City, Academy, Forge, Rally spot, Watch tower, Hospital, Shrine
    32: Art hall, workshop (t13 siege), Archer camp (t13 archers), Baracks (t13 infantry), Trap factory Wall, Archer tower
    31: Warehouse, stables
    30: Research factory, Pasture, Market, Tavern, war hall, Holy palace, Embassy, Bunker
    Prison 27, Army camp one, 10 mines, 8 Quarries, 7 lumber, 4 farms mostly level 30+
    Art hall completed collection, all buffs available, general hall collections also almost completed, only Ulyses and Gwon Ryul missing.
    2k of 100 stamina available , plus some other lower level, speedups and ressources also available, teleports, march speedups, server teleports, hammers for eggs, etc
    One march of t12 horses 750k
    Around 900k siege, mostly t12 and t11
    Around 900k Ground 800 t12 and t11, same for range and 20 k layers down
    Rank is Archduke, therefore there are 9 subs: main sub is purple, then there are an epic American, purple Arabian, Russian and Europe, and blue korean, 2 russian, and japan
    5 Jindeoks level 33, geared for gathering, plus extra 2 Jindeoks
    5 Baibars, 2 Nathaniels, 2 Cortes
    Archers pvp Minamoto fully geared, cultivated, level 33, red dragon level 10, Electra is also available
    Ground pvp Traian Fully geared, cultivated, beast level 8 +26%
    Siege PVP Napoleon fully cultivated, geared up
    Mounted troops Hannibal fully geared, leveled up, cultivated, beast level 8 +26%, also Li Jing, Martinus, Takeda, Roland misses one piece to be completed from relics
    Wall defence Johnson, fully cultivated, yellow specialties, 2 new gear from culture equipment, beast for siege level 8 +26%, Available also Tran dao, and Shar al dur for gathering, and Li thuong Kiet for traps

    All troops can be fully ghosted in 4 marches, 3 with buffs

    Subcities generals are all high level and cultivated to activate the troops saving option, partially equipped with archaemidae gear: 1 Harald, 1 Margaret, 1 Vladimir the great, 2 Mansa musa, 4 Arminius. There are other sub generals available 3Andrew Jackson another Arminius, and several unopened generals (40 0f them)

    There are 60 epic premium generals opened and another 40 in packs

    Duty generals are special level Ban chao for Archer, Abd Al Raman for Baracks, Oleg for stable John Portugal for ArchersAskia Muhamad for trap factory, Eulji for Academy, Menshikov for keep, Skandeberg for hospital

    Please send me some serious offers, it was a lot of time, care and money invested in this account.
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