Currently r4 in top alliance, good reputation on server. Well know and well respected - in line for throne after current alliance leader (throne allocated peacefully - we have done a lot of political work to ensure server is fair and throne is passed around among top players). Server is 1 month old, so I am top 10 in power with around 58m. - k32 - t12 archers and cav, almost t13 archers - around 200-500m each rss - 200k gems - 2 - 300k t12 cavalry, 250k t12 archers, another 250k of t11 and below for all troop types + layers - purple Japanese and korea subs. Rest blue. - Good research investment - first 3 trees are almost complete - 5/6 dragon geared Martinus (2m+ power). Also has Roland and Hannibal + many others. - Earl rank, very close to Duke - Currently has 7 day bubble expiring 6th Feb A few images:
I will continue to log in daily until sold, to ensure the login VIP point bonus isn't lost. Currently the account is at VIP 11, but is very close to VIP 12 (285850/308700). I've spent several hundred dollars already on the account (hence the many top tier generals etc.) In case anyone is wondering why I would spend 100s in a month and then sell the account for just $150... I have a family and the commitments are too much for me right now!
I will continue to log in daily until sold, to ensure the login VIP point bonus isn't lost. Currently the account is at VIP 11, but is very close to VIP 12 (285850/308700). I've spent several hundred dollars already on the account (hence the many top tier generals etc.) In case anyone is wondering why I would spend 100s in a month and then sell the account for just $150... I have a family and the commitments are too much for me right now!