Selling  Average K30 server 949

Discussion in 'Evony Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zefreh, 5/25/22.

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  1. Zefreh

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    K30 -
    stables, barracks and archers camp level 30
    Research is maxed out on development, military and advanced military for k30 and good condition in first aid and defence
    Monarch level 27
    VIP level 11
    Monarch gear level 6 (all)
    celtic dragon level 4
    monarch glory
    1 purple, 4 blue and 2 green subs different cultures
    1B resource, 6 million gems, 200 M gold, ~5 years of general speed-ups , 6 month of VIP time
    generals (only invested ones):
    -Elektra with three specialities on grandmaster, full dragon set
    -Eulji Mundeok (Medium duty officer)
    6 great gatherers (not Queen J but decent and improved) 4 of them with full 5-star king set
    Trap factory, hospital, barracks and archer tower have their specific junior generals (Askia, ...)
    4 looting generals
    ~10 debuf generals for subs
    and a bunch of other gold generals at low levels including Ulysses, Roland, Tran Hung Dao ....
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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