Sold K30,S1021,King account, 92m

Discussion in 'Evony Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jijo Mathew, 4/29/22.

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  1. Jijo Mathew

    Jijo Mathew
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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Make Offer
    Keep Level:30
    Technologies: Military maxed out, remaining half way done
    Wonder: First requirement completed. Account had throne for two weeks and server going to face SvS in two weeks. So the buyer can unlock the wonder after SvS.
    Server:1021, new server going to face SvS in two weeks time.
    Power:92m, Ranking #18 in server
    VIP: Level 12, Valid for more than a year
    RSS: Stone close to 2b, Food and Wood around 100-200m, ores not much. Gems 50k

    Almost all buildings have generals on duty.
    1 Gold Arabia,China each, 2 Purple Japan,1 Purple Russia and one Blue America sub

    Speedups available in plenty.
    The server is friendly so far and have server rules that are being followed for 4 day peace and 3 day madness.
    #1 Jijo Mathew, 4/29/22
    Last edited: 4/29/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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