Selling  High End  Android and iOS K27-Kingdom 549

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Conquest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dravenius, 10/8/20.

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  1. Dravenius

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    Kingdom 549- K27 account for sale, SUPER cav focused armory with ALL cav armory sets on point and level 40 wearable battle gear. Fantastic trap keep for PVP, can take rally hits like a champ. Loadouts for EVERY occaision- healing, training, crafting, march size increase, march speed, you name it! Zippy march speed with STRONG siege/wall damage, 3 quick hits and that wall is OBLITERATED. Adult dragon with plenty of cav research to compliment. Decent amount of RSS included (over 1 billion wood, hundreds of millions of food, etc). Stats were not ignored, enhancements and research are moderate.

    Maybe you have a friend in 549 you want to play with but don’t want to start from zero, this is the keep for you! Maybe you’re from a kingdom that’s rumored to merge with 549 and you want to get in and make some contacts before the merge… then this is the keep for you! Maybe you just LOVE to collect amazing accounts? This IS the keep for you!! Hit me up on discord to discuss, Dravenius#1374

    $500 OBO

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