K18 SH21 37M power

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/24/14.

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  1. Games

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    Likes Received:

    37M power

    410k troops:

    125k Guardians

    125k Companion Calvary

    50K Armored Pikeman

    110K Siege Tower

    20k t3 traps:

    10k Caltrops

    10k Burning Rocks

    10k Catapults finish in 6 days


    1 Farm lv21

    1 Wood lv21

    3 Wood lv20

    1 Ore lv21

    2 Ore lv20

    1 Stone lv21

    16 stone lv19 (produces 900k stone an hour)

    Walls lv21

    Storehouse lv21

    Marketplace lv21

    Watchtower lv21

    Forge lv21

    Gymnoes lv21

    1 Villa lv21

    4 Villa lv20

    1 Barrack lv21

    1 Embassy lv21

    1 Hospital lv21

    8 Hospital lv16 (200k capacity)

    Hall of War lv19 (515 books left)

    Prison lv16 (724 shackles left)

    Altar lv16 (116 daggers left)

    Academy lv20

    Speed ups:

    32x 5 minute

    24x 10 minute

    353x 15 minute

    50x 60 minute

    1x 3 hour

    5x 8 hour

    2x 24 hour

    2x 30 day


    Scouting - 9

    Infantry Attack - 7/10

    Ranged Attack - 9/10

    Calvary Attack - 7/10

    Infantry, Ranged and Calvary Defense - all 9/10

    Siege Attack - 7/10

    Siege Defense - 8/10 (9 being researched now w/ 14 days left)

    Troop Health - 7/10

    Troop Defense - 7/10

    Trap Attack and Defense - both 7/10

    Construction 10/10

    Stone, Food, Ore, Wood, Troop Load, March Speed, Gathering - all 9/10

    Strategic t3 troops unlocked

    Strategic t3 traps unlocked


    78x anti scout

    125x 24 hour attack boost

    3x 5 minute attack boost (75%)

    128x fake army

    212x march recall


    hundreds of rss production boost

    millions of rss in items tab

    40x Random teleports

    VIP10 28 days left

    Any other details you would like feel free to shoot me a message. Would like to get $300-350 for this account.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Price Drop to $250

    Account has 11k gold


    Forgot to mention Hero Lv50

    Has gear for Construction, Research, and War

    All Research gear is Legendary, Construction and War gear Mixed b/t Epic and Legendary

    Would you be willing to negotiate on price

    yes I would

    Hi could u talk to me via email. My email is lobrienmanutd@gmail

    Some details have changed on this account. Message me screenshots or any questions you have.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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