Selling K/w/p Full End Game Gear +30 Rings, Best Of The Best! Vidar Server

Discussion in 'Runes of Magic Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by romaccvidar, 4/24/18.

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  1. romaccvidar

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    I stopped playing and looking to make a nice little extra from this game as im leaving. Before I give you details below, all trashy offers or non serious mails will be straight up ignored. This is not a cheap sale, as the char has a lot of work and time in it and is pretty much completely done.

    - All classes are unlocked, Knight, Warrior & Priest have been capped.
    - Enough Talent Points to max all the skills on multiple knight combo classes.
    - Crazy updated end game gear, best gear currently in the server with the only 2 +30 rings.
    - All crafting skills can be levelled to 100, the scrolls to do this are all inside the bank.
    - There is a Patt/Matt/Defense buff housemaid & one for caviar.
    - Cenedril Mayi is level 60, Salo 50, Shreck 40.
    - Siege war title is currently close to Midnight Ritual
    - There are ~300 items in the item depot, I did not check on everything what it is.
    - Still a lot of itemshop items are on the char, such as Jewels, Transformation potions, Transportation runes, a lot of daily tickets you name it.
    - Additional Hall of Earth Protective set is still on the char, some offers for 600.000.000 gold on it if you may be interested in selling it.

    If you have any more questions about it, or you are interested in the account please contact me by mail: [email protected]
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  2. PlayerUp

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