Sold JWA Lvl 20 account, many Lvl 30 fully boosted beasts, including Indolycan, Many APEX have lvl 30DNA

Discussion in 'Jurassic World Alive Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jojomart18, 5/24/23.

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  1. Jojomart18

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    I haven't had the time or desire to play the game i used to love. I've put some money into my account over the past 2 years and have an excellent team for someone just starting. easily able to reach 5500 trophies. I have a fully boosted LVL 30 competitive Indolycan, Mortem Rex, Referantem, Albertocevia, a LVL 26 max boosted Tyrannometrodon that will be a maxed 27 by the end of the week. Other Lvl 30's with and without boosts including Parasauthops, Indotaurus, Giganyx, Magnapyritor, Spinoconstrictor, Thoradolosaur, Tuoramoloch. There is enough DNA to level APEXS Cera, Gorgo, Haast, Hadros, Hydra, Impera to level 30. Arctovasilas has almost enough DNA to reach level 30. Many unique dinosaurs on the account that have DNA for many level ups. Atrodistis was in the works with 10 boosts.

    Asking 800 OBO

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