just wondering...

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    Ok so I know astros, exp, and carats are server sided (correct me if I'm wrong on any of those).

    I was just wondering if items were serversided too (Pretty sure they are, just wanted to make sure). Also wanted to know if unrandomizer on CE works on mystery boxes. Any idea? and does anyone know if there is a way to make the game think that you have the britsh? possibly just a 0 or 1 if you dont have it or do? I would try it but I don have a british

    only # I've used on RF was speed (yeah, that's like rocket science XD). I can do easy stuff like change the number of carats I have (but yeah, it doesn't let me buy obviously). I've also tried to change the number of skulls I get in Arena, it works, but my EXP is still the same as it was w/o the #. I know that EXP is probably server sided, but can you # the amount of EXP you get in a game?

    I'm not trying to leach or anything (although it would be nice XD), just wanted to know what I CAN #.
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