I'm selling Force Shielder Lv 189 on Jupiter EU. Since the eCoin service is down i can also sell the account FOR THE SAME PRICE!!!! as char itself. Equipment: -Shadowtitanium Helm+15 40/7 -Osmium Armorsuit+15+15%amp 2 slots (not extended) -Shadowtitanium Boots+15+11%amp+3%HP steal/hit -Osmium Armorgloves+12+8%samp+3%mcr+fail slot -Pet Lv. 10 -All max runes -Arionell -K Red -Drosnin's earrings x2 -HR 12(40%) -Killian Ring -Tyrant Ring -Mortale Bane effector -Art Of Defence effector The character is on Jupiter, I'm selling it for Euros or Alz. Write your offers below