I can't play anymore on JP server and with the merge of WW and JP I want to keep my Main Account. Seal abused, NON-Limited URs, F2P account. Most of the cards are Yoshiko and Aqours, for μ's there's a few ones. Score average Tier 4 (But all the members can be lvl up to 4). I'm up to offers, payment can be via PayPal only. Most of the idolized cards have story locked (You can farm a lot of lovecas) 416 Cards on Members List (Including Aqours/μ's/NijiGaku/SaintSnow): 46URs [15NonIdolized/31Idolized] (24PROMO URs) 92SSRs [42NonIdolized/50Idolized] (including Normies) 204SRs [149NonIdolized/55Idolized] Members on WAITING List: 1UR Idolized 25SSRs Idolized 22SRs Idolized (Including Puchiguru's Cards) 19Rs (Chibi Versions) Sticker Shop: 1 SS sticker 3 SS stickers 85 R Stickers As you can see is pretty farmable at least you can have 150 lovecas only unlocking the idolized cards.