Hello Love Live player~ I have played SIF for a long time, and want to start a fresh account, so I am selling my current account for whoever wants Gems and a high-rank account. Still farmable account: only half of the expert songs full-combo'd, almost all Masters unplayed, and Aquor has over 7 unplayed expert songs. Account: JP Rank: 198 Device: Android!! (sorry iphones) Gems: 2222+ Promo URs: 13 (You and Yohane promos are in present box) URs: 4 (Cafe Maid Rin, Summer Festival Umi, Snowy Mountain Honoka, Ball Nozomi) idolized SRs: 7 normal SRs: 60+ (I have over a dozen event SRs in my present box) Blue Tickets: 24 R Seals: 1284 Alpacas: 142 Gold: 32,779,025 Friend points: 206,190 DM me if you're interested or have any questions (my email: [email protected]). Price is highest bid. So offer a price, and if no one beats it within 24 hours, you get it! And as always enjoy Idol Hell~ Here's the title screen with birb and gems~ Here are my URs~ 3 are real, the rest are promos Here are my Smile and Pure SRs And the Cool Srs And here's my Alpaca collection, because why not
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