Selling [JP] Rank 156, 14 URs (4 idlz), 13 SSRs and 2 pages of SRs

Discussion in 'Love Live! Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by breaththing, 4/1/17.

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  1. breaththing

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    Picture here:
    - I rarely play on this acc so it's pretty farmable. Many master/expert song haven't FC yet.

    - NOT SS ABUSE( uhm, I admit I had sold about 6 SRs card) but I only use event seal (reward from score rank) to idlz card, not by UR/SR seal. Nozo and Nico URs are idlz by copy card
    -Price: I'm looking for ~130$ for this acc, but we can negotiate about it :)

    - Please contact me on email: [email protected] or FB: :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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