Sold [JP] Lv 51 - 12 6

Discussion in 'Alchemy Stars Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Lezhard, 8/17/21.

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  1. Lezhard

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    Selling JP account. I'm the original owner.
    -Lv 51
    -12 6*

    Water: Carleen, Sharona, Sariel
    Fire: Charon, Uriel, Sinsa, Jona
    Forest: Migard, Hiiro, Gabriel
    Thunder: Michael, Gronru

    All of them have their last ascension.
    And plenty of 5* characters as you can see in the pics. You can easily make a strong team with all elements.

    Extra info:

    -Colossus max mood (10k)
    -Prism pillar maxed.
    -Includes some limited event furniture.
    -Regal on 4th step / 2 star crests (don't get timegated!)


    [JP] Lv 51 - 12 6*
    #1 Lezhard, 8/17/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/21/23
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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