IMPORTANT: Payment must be made via PayPal and sent as money to friends/family (gift), I will refund the payment if it is sent under "payment of goods or services." Account 1 - Notable units Emperor, mercedes. veritaz of the flame, zidane, cecil, WOL, Agrias, Leonhart, Abel, Ryuga, Miyuki, Exdeath, Garland, Account 2 - Lenneth, Ace, WOL, Rufia, Queen, Leonhart, Rikku, maid waifu, Abel, Zidane, Cecil, Exdeath, Garland, Firion Account 3 - Dark Cecil, Lenneth, WOL, Chizuru, Refia, Mercedes, Rikku, Leonhart, Xiao, Locke, Abel 100+ units with exp Giantatuar and 2x 10% trust moggles for each account for a great start !! PM me with best offer or for more pictures, as my post is only limited to 3 pictures lol tks!