Selling  Android and iOS [Japan] Cheap World Flipper Starter 3 8 x 5 Chars | Starting at 5

Discussion in 'World Flipper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by, 12/6/19.

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    Welcome to SetsunaEpic's Store

    First time buyer and need a trusted service? Simply don't want to waste hundred to thousand of $ hoping to get your favorite 5*?
    I'm offering World Flipper Starter Account . Message me on My Only Discord: SetsunaEpic#6279 with lightning respond & HUGE COLLECTION to choose from!

    Please message me before placing order to know if the account still available!


    World Flipper Fresh Starter
    [Click Here]
    For huge Caltalog

    4 x 5* Characters = $5+

    6 x 5* Characters = $20+

    7 x 5* Characters = $25+


    All Accounts are at Only Done Tutorial

    All Devicep - Android or IOS

    Only Id & Password Transfer - You only need Id & Password to transfer.


    All Accounts are Legit rolled/No Interfering Game File. No Modded/#/Duped Involved.

    All Payment via Paypal | Bitcoin.

    Whole Transaction & Delivery can taken from 5 minutes to 30 minutes! at Maximum 12 Hours if Time Zone Different.



    Scroll down to bottom for more contacts!

    Disclaimer & Term of Service

    1. Account Selling/Trading/Transferring/Macro Rerolled may against Developers TOS but no issues so far and 100% safe with every other Mobile Games, 14000+ Successful Transactions. Please be aware when purchasing one!

    2. There is no ban in Rerolled Accounts with Macro or even using it. Interfering Game File like #/Modded/Duped/Cheap Currency Purchase will get you banned.

    3. If developer decided not allowing Rerolled Accounts, there is nothing I can do. I won't take responsible if Developers decides to enforce their rules any times.

    Add me on:

    Discord: SetsunaEpic#6279
    Line: setsunaepic All Lower Case
    Kik: SetsunaEpic
    Skype: live:moseiric - SetsunaEpic
    #1, 12/6/19
    Last edited: 1/31/20
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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