Sold It would be nice if OAC had a plugin or some...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Adrian DeVivo, 10/23/14.

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  1. Adrian DeVivo

    Adrian DeVivo
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    It would be nice if OAC had a plugin or some method to do language translation to simplify in game communication. Maybe leveraging something like the Google translate API in the back end or something...
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    Michael Boguslavskiy

    Michael Boguslavskiy
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    From one developer to another. Preach brother.
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    Capone Gcm Kiid

    Capone Gcm Kiid
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    Why would you want that though?
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    Evíl Withïn

    Evíl Withïn
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    It would make it easy to communicate with other language speaking players. I remember doing mzl with some Spanish people, and I couldn't understand a single word they are saying. All I did was to stay close to the healer
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    Capone Gcm Kiid

    Capone Gcm Kiid
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    And thats all you needed right?:p the healer
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