Hello, everyone! I am SinbadTheSeller, a highly experienced seller of Eve Online items. I offer my customers fast & safe delivery service and handsome prices. You do not have to overpay for your items anymore. Now you have an opportunity to buy directly from the seller without any mediators. Please, get acquainted with the prices below. GREAT SALE: ISK - 6,8 $, PLEX- 8 $, INJECTOR - 4,2 $; All isk are clear and are obtained by mining and character extracting. None of my clients were unsatisfied or get banned. Note: Prices are updated everyday; From time to time I conduct favourable promonional offers and sales; For bulk quantity, # is provided; As payment I accept skrill and paypal (paypal: gifts only) Delivery via contracts or trade at Jita 4-4. Please contact me anytime. Skype lilart555