Sold Is there anyway I can get order and chaos for...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dereck Groff, 10/23/14.

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  1. Dereck Groff

    Dereck Groff
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    Is there anyway I can get order and chaos for my pc?
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    Brandon Lam

    Brandon Lam
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    I think you can if you have a Mac I believe you can also play order and chaos with a controller as well
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    Kourtney Kristopher Tyner

    Kourtney Kristopher Tyner
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    Yes ^^^
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    Dereck Groff

    Dereck Groff
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    I'm running windows 7. I was thinking of trying to hook my note 3 to my tv n getting a blue tooth controller but I wld weather play on my pc
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    Brandon Lam

    Brandon Lam
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    To be honest good that man I know people have ways to do this crazy concept so I'm sure you'll find a way
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