Selling iRO Renewal Chaos Selling +9s and high end stuff for CHEAP! Quitting. PAYPAL VERIFIED ONLY

Discussion in 'Ragnarok Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 3/9/15.

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  1. Games

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    Quitting! Selling everything I own for cheap cheap via PayPal!

    Heres a list of high end items...

    +9 Turkey on Head [1]
    +9 Immune Heroic Backpack
    Arta's Black Frame Glasses
    CD in Mouth x2
    **Bakonawa Agimat Tattoo**
    +9 Maestro Rideword Hat
    Robo Eye x2
    Well-Chewed Pencil
    Costume: Boy's Cap, Centimental Flower, Elven Ears
    +9 Orc Archer Bow
    Chick Hat
    +7 Triple Kingbird Red Twin
    +7 Triple Liberation Red Twin
    +7 Skull Cap [1]
    Chewing Gum
    +7 Unfrozen Valk Armor
    +7 Gorgon's Valk Shield
    Under a Cast Bradium Ring
    Bradium Earring of Mustle
    Variant Shoes
    +7 Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano of Wild Cat
    Pirate Dagger
    +7 Evil Marching Hat [1]
    Heroic Backpack [1]

    Account 1: 100 Ranger, 84 Stalker, 101 Geneticist (Females)

    Account 2: 100 Rune Knight, 97 High Wizard, 100 Sura (Females)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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